Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ethan update

We were so thrilled to have received 3 pictures and a detailed update on our little guy today!

According to their report, his weight, height and head circumference are just below the 10th percentile. He is still on track to have his palate repair in June in Beijing with Smile Train. Developmentally, he stands with support, walks with assistance, and can stand for a few minutes by himself. He is reportedly a happy little boy, waves bye-bye, responds to his name, says "ma" to call for attention, and uses Chinese sign language to say “Thank you” He laughs a lot and can search for hidden or dropped objects. Plays well with other children and with any toys given to him. He exhibits separation anxiety when his nanny leaves the room. His favorite food is egg-drop soup. Amazingly, they are feeding him with a cleft bottle! I can't even imagine how they got their hands on one of those! No doubt he has a guardian angel looking after him!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fingerprinting appointment

Just when I thought the ole' Department of Homeland Security had forgotten about us...we received our fingerprinting appointment today. Still, a disappointingly far out date of June 15th. This means we will hopefully be dossier to China by the middle of July. Sigh.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A dying breed...

Every once in a while I am reminded that I got one of the last really good ones when I married my husband. Last night we were at a used bookstore looking for nothing in particular but thoroughly enjoying some time to ourselves. I had wandered off for awhile and returned only to find Chris engrossed in deep conversation with a total stranger. I took my cue to stay away and let them finish whatever it was they were talking about. About 15 minutes later, I returned and this time hung around within ear-shot. Long story short, this older gentleman had struck up a conversation with Chris near the section of Bibles and spiritual books. He was looking for a Bible for his wife, who happens to be in the hospital dying of terminal cancer. This man was an atheist, but is desperately grasping at straws, trying to find some answers or at least a little peace in an incredibly difficult situation. He began peppering Chris with questions about God, at first a little hostile, and then letting his guard down slightly. To add insult to injury, they are practically penniless due to medical bills and health insurance assistance that came too little too late. Chris listened, tried to answer his questions, and ended up carefully selecting and buying about $50 worth of bibles and spiritual books for this gentleman. Then we said goodbye to him and walked back to our car, knowing we'll probably never see him again. Chris said a prayer for him and his wife and it was a quiet drive back to the house. Quiet enough for me to think about what I fell in love with about this man so many years ago. I remember the first time I shared with him some really tragic (at least tragic to my 18-year-old psyche) event in my life. As I was talking, I saw tears well up in his eyes. I thought, wow he's really trying to lay on the charm! But 2O years later, he still does that....cries when I cry. I guess my troubles and heartaches never get old to him. What an amazing gift...to possess the perfect combination of kindness, sympathy, and inspiration that makes others want to share all of their problems with you. And they do. Case in point, one of my very good-hearted family members came over the other night to talk. Chris had worked a long day and I'm sure was looking forward to a little R&R with Brian Williams and the Nightly News. Instead he spent several hours listening to a laundry list of sorrows. And he's not just a good listener. He actually gives very sound advice with a wisdom that is way beyond his years. And so generous. Not just with money, but with time...something that is much more valuable sometimes. He recently used an entire weeks worth of vacation to serve at an orphanage in Guatemala. Now obviously you don't have to twist our arms too much when it comes to helping orphans, but start talking about using up PTO, and my selfishness starts to kick in. Chris has one of the most giving hearts I know. And it's not our anniversary or his birthday or father's day. Just feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Something I imagine I would experience a whole lot more often if I focus my life on the right things.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day part 2

My sister and I celebrated Mother's Day with my mom on Saturday. Took a picnic lunch to the park and then a walk. Very relaxing.

Also took some shots of my niece and nephew who are growing up WAY too fast.

In adoption news, we are sending a care package to Ethan! Some pictures of us, some toys, PJ's and a disposable camera. The odds of the camera being used and actually returned to us are very low, but it's worth a try. We were very lucky to have been given so many pictures of Alina's babyhood, caregivers, etc. and are hoping this helps her to put together some of the pieces later. Would love to be able to do the same for Ethan.

Lastly, we found the girls like this at about 4:30 Saturday evening. The result of two late nights in row of playing beauty salon and a sleepover. I think they are holding hands (hee, hee).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today we received our pre-approval to adopt Ethan...that was fast! Hope everything else comes at the same pace!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Ethan

We had a little birthday celebration for Ethan today. The girls made a cake and we each said a wish out loud for him. Then we blew out the candle. NiNi was very concerned that we would not be able to then EAT the cake since Ethan was not here. We did eat it and saved 5 pieces in the freezer so we can eat it again after he comes home!

Ok, so a few more details about our little boy. First off, can you believe that we received his referral on the 3 year anniversary of when we received Alina's referral? April 27th! Pretty amazing, huh! He was placed into care at Luohe SWI in Henan Province when he was 6 weeks old. After a few months he was not gaining weight and was apparently transferred to a foster care center in Beijing to get more specialized care. His lip was repaired in Decemeber 2009 and palate repair is scheduled for June. The last medical report we have is from Novemeber, so I'm eager to find out his current weight. I do know that his development otherwise seems relatively on track (crawling, babbling, sitting unsupported, etc.) So now we're waiting on our fingerprinting appointment and then immigration approval and then we can send over dossier!