Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Meagan and Chris took a 4 day trip to Haiti with a group from work.  They did projects around an orphanage and brought 2 fifty pound bags of donations (including 50 pairs of shoes).  The most popular items of course were the soccer balls.  The kids were so excited about them that they started a game at night in pitch dark!  We were a little concerned that the trip might be overwhelming for Meagan but she LOVED it and is already talking about going back next year.  She was the only female on the trip so when it came to crafts and stickers and hair styling she was quite popular.

taking selfies

trying out their new bunk beds

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring Break 2016

Enjoyed Spring break in Treasure Island, FL this year with 2 of our favorite families.  Unfortunately Chris was sick for the first 3 days of the trip.  Seems like we can't go on vacation without checking out a local immediate care center:)  But he perked up the last half of the week and we had some amazing walks on the beach and times with the kids