We had a great weekend with Chris' dad in town. The girls don't get to see their California grandpa very often so it's always a treat...and a mad dash to get in as much time with him as possible. We also took the opportunity to get some pictures of all the ladies.
The girls and I with Barb and Jenni (with baby girl Quinn in utero)
Chris was talking to Meagan about how water can be in three forms. Liquid, solid, and then he said, "What does water become when it gets really really hot?" NiNi burst out and said, "A gas!" We were floored and said, "How did you know that?" She replied very matter-of-factly, "I knowed it on my Leapster"
We were at the dollar store the other day and NiNi got side-tracked in the candy asile. When it became apparent that I wasn't going to buy her any, she said, "Mom, the next time you talk to the Easter bunny, tell him I want a blow-pop?"