Sunday, June 10, 2007

We're Here!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we arrived in Guangzhou safely this morning (no plane crash) We have to wait until tomorrow to pick up Alina... apparently the Civil Affairs Office is closed today (a minor detail overlooked) We're trying to get used to 'rolling with the punches' here where the language barrier is an issue all the time. I guess it is just as well since we are totally pooped. We're doing our best to stay up until it is night-time here. I know all you really want to see are pictures of Alina, but I'll try to post a few from today. Hopefully more tomorrow of Alina!


Laura said...

Chris and Jen,

We have been thinking about you and praying for you all day! The church prayed for you today, and everyone was asking about you both. We miss you guys already and can't wait to see pictures of the three of you! Take care, get some rest!

Roger and Laura

John & Tracee said...

Chris and Jen,
So glad to here that there was no drama to your flight. Can't wait to see you with your little Alina. How amazing it will be the first time you get to hold her...we know this will be an answer to a prayer...a hug and kiss from God. As we celebrate Alina joining your family we also have been thinking and expressing gratitude for Mayah. Today would have been her 2nd birthday. Her life continues to have great impact on us all. I am sure God is throwing her an amazing party in Heaven!! How amazingly good is our God?? We love you both so very very much. John, Tracee, Joshua & Andrew.

Unknown said...

ALthough we (and of course YOU both) want to see your daughter today. TRUST US, it is so much better that it will be tomorrow. We were so lucky to be there one day early, and somewhat rested, while the other families got straight off the plane and were handed a baby with their luggage in the other hand :)You are in our thoughts and prayers tonight.
--Stacey Frank and Sky