Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Babysitters, Camping and the Tooth Fairy

We have had quite an eventful past couple of days. Meagan crossed a milestone as she lost her first tooth. Take a look at the before and after shots... now she really looks like a first grader!

The picture below is of Alina "chilling" (or trying to chill, I should say) as we camped this past weekend. Yes, we chose the hottest weekend of the summer to swelter in tents with the Bolender clan. I think we all suffered from some degree of heat exhaustion, but it was memorable nonetheless.

Also, yesterday was Alina's first day at the babysitters. Miss Tanya is wonderful, feeds her all natural foods and changes her diaper far more often than I would, but it is still a huge adjustment. Chris dropped both girls off at 7:30 AM, I worked a 9.5 hour day and picked them up at 6PM. I called to check in around lunch time and Tanya said that Alina had been stone-faced all day. I hated that she probably thought she was being abandoned again! When I finally came to pick her up, she was ticked off. She took one look at me, threw the toy she was holding on the floor and turned with her face to the wall. When I picked her up, she buried her face in my shoulder and hung on for dear life. The rest of the evening she excitedly walked around the house pointing at Chris and I saying "mama, mama, dada, dada" as if to say, yes, this is my house, and I still have a mommy and daddy. Whew, luckily we only have to do that 2 days a week!

Below is a slide show of some misc. shots over the past several weeks.

1 comment:

Heather said...

awe...that's hard going back. My turn comes this August 20th.

Great pictures! Congratulations to Meagan on her first tooth lost!