Meagan went out on her first date... with daddy. Our church sponsored a Father-Daughter dance and it was a huge hit. Here daddy is going in for a dip, I think. As a side note, my hubby was quite the dancer in his day...especially when break-dancing was all the rage. Come to think of it, our dancing moves seemed to peak in the late 80's and unfortunately we have not acquired any new ones since that time. Well, luckily it doesn't take much to impress a 6-year-old.
Pictures of Meagan's big sleep-over-birthday-party still to come...
Lots of potty woes here too :) Lily out-right refuses to go...unless we're out shopping, or a at a restaurant, or a grocery store...yep~she'll hit up each one! If we're out and about all day she'll stay dry 'cause she'll go like a champ in everyone's potty....just not at home!
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