This post is for my friend Monica who complains to me that I haven't posted anything new in awhile. It's true, I have been a little delinquent. I blame it on having a toddler. Which, by the way, also happens to be my excuse for the huge pile of clothes currently blocking the entrance to the laundry room, the 3-4 sippy cups of curdled milk laying around the house, and an unsightly jumble of post-vacation garbage that never made it beyond the entryway. It's not that I'm a slob, but rather my children suck all of the energy from my body on a daily basis. A case in point: The other day I was talking to someone about adoption and mentioned that NiNi was on the "special needs" list. Meanwhile, NiNi is rolling around on the ground at my feet. The woman got a very serious look on her face and said, "Oh, because she's HYPERACTIVE." Ha Ha! I guess I should be grateful that most people don't even notice her lip.
NiNi graduated from First Steps last week! She is officially developmentally on track compared to her peers. Here is a picture of her with her speech therapist (it looks like she's crying but she's laughing)
We had my niece over for several days while my sister took a class. Her and Meagan are only 9 months apart. Here are a few shots taken at the children's museum
We finally checked out Conner Prairie with my friend and her kids. Very cool...
And last but not least, we went to Holiday World with my sister and her family this past week. The kids thought they were in junk food heaven, not to mention the waterpark, rides and staying in a hotel with an adjoining room to their cousins. It was quite a treat. Meagan even rode one of the big roller coasters (Chris told her he would pay her $5.00 to get on...that breaks some cardinal rule of parenting, I'm sure, but it worked)
I like the call this one "Toddler Plugged-in." I have never been a big fan of portable DVD players (like they don't get enough T.V. at home?) BUT, they sure do come in handy on long trips
1 comment:
Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun lately. I am glad that your house isn't perfect either. I would like to blame mine on two toddlers (does Vi still count as a toddler?). I have time to do everything I just don't have quite enough energy. I just tried to nap on the couch during Cinderella - that really doesn't work because of the number of times I have to redirect, break up a fight, change a diaper, take Vi potty... but darned if I don't try ;)
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