We took NiNi to the doctor on Monday for what I thought was a really bad sinus infection. It turned out to be Type A influenza. Incidentally, as I recall, Chris had it this same time last year. We are all getting flu shots this year. What was I thinking? Both of my kids are in school/daycare and I work in a nursing home for heaven's sake. Not to mention that NiNi and I seem to have no immune systems whatsoever. Anyway, NiNi has been absolutely miserable...temps up to 104, vomiting, cough, runny nose, the works... and the doctor said it could last 2 weeks. We are all taking Tamiflu. $60 per prescription. You do the math. Little did I know that they don't think Tamiflu is covering the Type A virus this year. Oh, well. It may have somewhat of a placebo effect because the rest of us have not come down with it yet. Also, Meagan turned 8 this week and I can't believe that I did not do a blog post about it. It's true, I am a bad mom. Or just very tired. Or both. The girls have been very funny lately. Here are more quotes:
Me: "Who is Jesus?"
NiNi: "The brown one"
Me: "NiNi, do you want some ravioli?"
NiNi: "Yes, make mine warm and slicey"
Meagan: "Is God fun or scary?"
I think I replied something like, "a little of both"
NiNi (after Meagan told her NO about something): "Sissy, don't sass me"
NiNi (showing me the booger she just pulled out of her nose): "Look mom, it's a snake!"
Every night when I tuck NiNi into bed I say, "Good night" and she says, "Happy birthday, mom"