Sunday, February 7, 2010

B-day girl and misc.

Alot has happened since Christmas...For starters, NiNi turned 4. We took a handful of kids to see "Tooth Fairy" at the Cinema Grill. Everyone loved the movie except the birthday girl who kept saying, "This is a loooooong movie." She also got a big-girl hair cut...said she wanted her hair like her cousin Mallory's. On another note, I am quitting my job at the nursing home. My last day is Feb 12th. One of my goals for 2010 was to be more "gutsy" so I guess this counts. I will doing First Steps as an independent provider in my own business. Translation: if I have no clients I don't get paid. It's really not as risky as it sounds since there is a huge shortage of SLP's in this area. I've been getting several emails a week since I opened up my availability. Plus, it will afford me alot more flexibility once we bring home our son. Speaking of our adoption, we had our first homestudy visit last week and they are offering to "rush" it since we went though this agency with the last adoption. We are most of the way finished compiling documents for our dossier...just waiting on our health physical appointments to roll around by middle of March. If all goes as planned we will have our dossier to China by late spring/early summer!

The girls have been saying some cute things lately. It's been so long that I've probably forgotten alot, but here are some funny quotes:

Meagan was talking about so-and-so being the most popular kid in school. Trying to make a point about the value of character I said, "You know, it's not always a good thing to be popular. Do you know who was one of the most un-popular people in history?" Meagan said, "You, mom?" "No," I said, "JESUS". Meagan said, "Oh, Jesus AND you?"

I had shut myself in the bathroom to temporarily escape the chaos of whining, screaming kids. NiNi popped her head in the door to make some kind of demand. I rudely cut her off and said, "NiNi, I need a moment." She said, "Ok, mom, but when you're done with your moment, can you come out?"

NiNi was playing with a stuffed animal and I heard her saying, "Rapido, rapido...puppy says rapido" Beginning to feel a little less guilty about the hours she spends watching PBS I said, "Oh, is your puppy speaking Spanish? What does rapido mean?" She said, "It means welcome to the dentist!"

I was reading a book to NiNi and she suddenly had to go to the bathroom. Not wanting to miss anything she asked, "Mom, can you pause that?"

This was a conversation my mom had with NiNi about time-outs:
NiNi: "Grandma, why are you sitting in the time-out chair?" (a big brown chair in the family room)
Grandma: "Oh, I didn't know this was the time-out chair. What do you do in time-out? Do you get to read a book or something?"
NiNi: "We don't do just have to sit there one more minute"
Grandma: "Is that it?"
NiNi: "No, and then you have to say sorry...I hate that part."

We got an idea from some friends of ours to have a "sabbath" each week....a day to "unplug" from the world and just be together as a family. I was trying to explain to Meagan the concept of a Biblical sabbath and how all the people rested and worshipped God and spent time together on that day. I said, Meagan, just think... if mommy and daddy weren't at work and you guys weren't at school and we didn't do any projects around the house, what would we have more time for?" She replied, "More time to watch TV!"

Now that NiNi is 4, she talks about all the things she can do (i.e. 4-year-olds don't wear pull-ups, 4-year-olds can take swimming lessons, etc.) She is also looking forward to other major milestones. According to NiNi...
When I am 9 I can snap
When I am 8 I can pour the shampoo
When I am 36 I can drive
When I am 19 I can have a boyfriend
(and she's absolutely right on that last one!)

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