Starting to feel like some form of family structure is on the horizon. We've spent the last week running around to doctor appointments and labs, spending a pretty penny on a variety of formulas that Ethan does not like, and de-programming the girls from three weeks worth of being without the loving discipline of mom and dad. Don't get me wrong, we are very grateful to grandmas and aunts who helped take care of them while we were gone, but there's nothing like "mom's rules" to keep the "attitudes" at bay. We are on a major campaign to put some serious poundage on the little man. Let's just say our pediatrician was not at all happy that Ethan is two whole blocks below the bottom of the growth curve for every measurement. We are supposed to go back in one month to see if he's gained. So, when is dinner time? Anytime he will let us feed him! The eating is really going much better. He is eating a "toddler" diet much of the time, with a few jars of baby food thrown in the mix for good measure. My good friend (who is also a dietitian) dropped by some fortified protein shakes and juices which he loves. It's really the drinking that he struggles with the most. Chinese formula made him spit up all the time and American formula is not sweet enough so he drinks 1-2 ounces and then stops. For about a week I was only changing his diaper 2-3 times a day, which all moms know is a big red flag. He seems to like the soy formula a little better so we're going with that for now. Sleep is also going much better. He's getting used to being in his crib alone and gets up only 1-2 times at night. We have some specialists appointments coming up in the next few weeks to get some things checked out, but all in all, things are going very well. Oh and did I mention that he is WAY smart? I started teaching him some sign language as soon as we got back and he has learned 5 signs (milk, juice, sit, more, all done) and uses them purposefully. He's also figured out how to unlock the child-proof latch on the toilet after seeing me do it a couple of times. Thankfully he's not strong enough to do all the steps at the same time, but he's deciphered it none-the-less. Amazing.
First bath in the big tub
Hanging with Dad (trying to be funny) and Uncle Jason
Ethan and his cousin Quinn
This depicts NiNi and Ethan's very volitile relationship. The bubble above NiNi's head could read, "Hmmmm, what to do with you...smack you or be nice. Your life is in my hands little brother"
1 comment:
Ha! Love the last pic and bubble comment!
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