I realized the other day that so much of my creative energy is spent devising ways to keep Ethan from destroying the house. My kitchen drawers are empty (tired of retrieving zip lock bags scattered hither and yon,) the toilets are on lock down, and the kitchen chairs are stacked in a corner most of the time (blocks his access to anything on the table). Call it hyper-activity, call it over-stimulation from his former under-stimulation, call it "all-boy"...all I know is that my original assessment of him that first night in the hotel room still holds true: Human octopus. Recently I have started putting him in what Chris likes to call "the cage". Come on, it's a baby gate....just because it can be alternatively used for pets does not constitute child abuse. Ethan will play with toys or his sensory table in there for 20 minutes at a time. Enough time for me to do something without having it immediately "un-done." If I throw in some crackers he'll stay even longer. Heck, turn on some sing-along music and we've got ourselves a veritable self-sustained pre-school!
Speaking of pre-school, I might as well give you a quick update on Ethan's development. He is officially "on the charts" in the 1 percentile for his height and weight (21 lbs.) We no longer need any supplements and his pediatrician does not want to see us back for 6 months! Yippee! His OT is about to discharge him...feels that his eating and fine motor skills are just about where they should be. He is still getting speech therapy (and probably will be for some time) but he is definitely making progress. He is using some consonant sounds when he babbles and we recently heard him say "dada" when pointing at Chris. Apparently he gets a little taken advantage of at daycare since he is smaller than the other kids. The teacher says the other toddlers just call him "baby." Sort of funny, but sad at the same time! Add to that the fact that he doesn't talk and you're bound to be the perfect target for pushing, shoving and toy snatching. I know the words will come...but how come it's gotta be the speech therapist's kid who can't talk??!!
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