Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I had planned on this being a laid back summer...kick back at the pool, chill out with the kids, do some day trips.  Nope.  As if we don't have enough going on, we decided at the last minute to buy and sell a house this summer.  Our original thought was to test the waters...put our small ranch on the market for 6 weeks or so and see what happens.  Much to our surprise, someone put an offer on it in less than a day!  By 10pm that evening we had a purchase agreement and 5 days after that we bought a new house.  We can't do anything slowly around here.  We prefer the high intensity, hair-raising, blood boiling route.  More exciting that way.  So the new house is less than 20 minutes from our old place but almost double the space.  The kids will be changing schools, but will actually be a little closer to some of their good friends.  And we plan on this being our last move for a long time (God willing).  So now we're heading to San Antonio for a little vacation and will have about 2.5 weeks to pack once we get back.  Piece of cake, right!

1 comment:

The McIntires said...

Congratulations and good luck!