Friday, June 28, 2013

bone graft

We got back from vacation on Saturday and headed to the hospital on Monday.  We had been anticipating NiNi's bone graft all year and were happy to be getting it behind us. This is the procedure where they take bone from her hip and graft it into her alveolar ridge (gum line) where the cleft was.   We had heard a few horror stories about pain (especially from the hip) and recovery time, so I had my mother-in-law come for 2 days and rearranged work schedules.  First night in the hospital was rough but we went home the next morning and by Thursday she was hobbling up and down the stairs!  By Saturday she was still having visitors but was not looking the part of "poor invalid child in pain." We were so pleased with how smoothly things went.  The incision on her hip was about 2 inches long and was closed with only steri strips and dissolvable stiches in her mouth.  Now her permanent teeth can come down and then braces after that.  An unexpected bonus is that her nose looks more symmetrical.  I noticed it right away but thought it may be just the swelling.  Then the surgeon told us how much even a little bone missing from your mouth can change the look of things.  They also closed the floor of her nose which had the effect of moving the nostril up a bit.  This may be her last cleft related procedure which is very exciting:) 


Right before the Versed that we love so dearly.  She was starting to get pretty sad and nervous and SO was not until 1pm

Day 4...she did not want her picture taken but you can see the swelling around her nose and top lip

Later that day playing outside a little

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