Saturday, September 29, 2007

Things that make you go Hmmm...

This was the expression on Alina's face when I read her the letter she got in the mail from George Bush. Apparently the president sends a congratulations letter to all brand-spankin-new-barely-English-speaking citizens of the U.S.A. A very nice touch except the letter contains phrases such as:

"grand and enduring ideals"
"unfolding promise"
"hold beliefs beyond ourselves"

Huh? I'm not trying to slam the leader of our county, just merely suggesting that they come out with an easy-to-read version of the celebratory letter. It sort of reminded me of an excerpt from the reading comprehension portion of those hateful standardized tests. This got me thinking of other things that make you go Hmmmm. For example:

Where DO fruit flies come from? I mean, are they on the fruit when I buy it at the store and I just don't notice them? Or, worse, are they lurking around my house just waiting for a piece of fruit to attach themselves to. So annoying.

Where do all of the missing household objects hide when I KNOW that they did not leave the house. For example, we have at least 5 hair brushes. So why can't I find one when I go to do my hair in the morning? Is there some mysterious Bermuda Triangle in my house? If I find the hair brushes, will I also find my Abba CD and Meagan's slipper that came up missing the day after Christmas last year?

How is it possible that I am constantly sorting, washing, drying, folding, or putting away laundry yet there are always clothes on the floor. And I don't think we are TOTAL slobs. It's like laundry oozes out of the walls. Or like that character in the fairy tale...was it in Rumplestiltskin...where the girl has to weave straw into gold and the more she weaves the bigger the piles get. I'm pretty sure I didn't get the story right, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A busy few weeks

Sorry for the lack of blogging. I was trying to come up with a catchy title for this post to explain what we've been doing the past few weeks, but the only one that comes to mind is "Mom is sick, the house is trashed and the girls have taken over" but that sounded sort of negative. It's true that I have had this wicked-flu-turned-sinus-infection thing. I am sick so much more often than the girls that it is not even funny. The truth is, I get tonsillitis all the time because I need to have my tonsils out because they are...well, rotting. Sounds gross and is even more gross in real life. Sadly, too many stories of "adult tonsillectomies gone bad" are keeping me from any more trips to the ENT in the near future.

This past weekend we attended a family reunion on my dad's side of the family. My dad passed away 15 years ago and I have done a terrible job with keeping in touch, so seeing my aunts and cousins was a real treat. My cousin had some old family photos converted to DVD. Here is one of my mom and dad when they were 15 and 19!

I also got some cute shots of Meagan and Mallory on the tire swing

Ok, and this one was not even staged. Of course they were SLEEPING. They cannot be held responsible for their actions

We're saving this one to use as blackmail. I'm sure it will come in handy at some point in the future

And finally, the many faces of Alina :)