Sunday, March 29, 2015

Birthdays and Easter

Since we will be in Florida for Easter, the Easter bunny came a whole week early this year.  So kind of him. Throw in all the March birthdays in our family and we had quite the party.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Movin' on up

We finally decided to stop making Ethan ride in the baby seat that was attached to my bike, even though at 33 pounds he could still fit in it.  I think Meagan's exact words were "not cool mom".  So we got this snazzy tandem bike for longer trips and he loves it.  He also just recently learned to ride a 2-wheeler. He is super athletic and coordinated so he picked it up almost immediately. Bye bye training wheels!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Found a $30 external flash for my camera and have been experimenting with it a little in my spare time.  At least it's an excuse to make the kids sit for photo shoots!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Meagan's 14th birthday

I love planning parties for teenagers.  Provide food.  Ensure there are no boys or beer in the vicinity. And leave them alone! (Just kidding about the boys and beer because they are all such good girls:) Present buying is just as easy.  All Meagan wanted was to get her hair highlighted. I think it turned out adorable! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

More snow

Our first real sledding of the season and it was a perfect day.  Not too cold and a perfect pack of snow.  Sledding in my 40's is a little scary since my tail bone does not seem to be as sturdy as it once was.  No injuries for me but our van did not fair as well.  I opened the hatch to load the sleds and forgot to close it before backing out of the garage.  Shattered the back window.  Senior moment I guess. So it turned out that the sledding only cost us 300 bucks!  A real bargain!