Saturday, April 25, 2009

My mom was flipping through channels searching for cartoons for NiNi when she landed on Jaime Lee Curtis doing an Activia commercial. NiNi said,

"Grandma, that's not cartoons, that's Barak Obama".

Hmmmmm...I guess they both have short hair, otherwise I don't see much similarity. Also, not sure where the fixation with him comes from. Maybe she is just picking it up from the news.

NiNi disobeyed me at the dinner table. Trying to elicit some form of compliance from her I said, "What do you say to mommy?" She said,


I guess she thought that one of them was bound to do the trick

NiNi is going through an extremely possessive stage where she claims ownership to every item in the house. Her defense when anyone tries to set her straight is, "But I got it for my birthday party!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter pics

We took the girls to the free Easter egg hunt at the park by our house. Envision large soccer field littered with plastic eggs and a throng of children, moving as an amoeba across the grass. The hunt started at 1:00 and was over at about 1:03. I kept yelling to Meagan, "Be aggressive, be aggressive!"

Meagan looking cherubic

Daddy and girls: Outtake #1

Daddy and girls: Outtake #2

Still clean. Incidentally, to my horror, I caught them playing in the sandbox 5 minutes before it was time to leave for church

I went in to get NiNi up from her nap and found her like this

NiNi with her spoils

Enjoying her Easter egg

NiNi quotes of the week:
"Look mom, I'm spitting. It sounds like music"

"Mom, are you done? Yes or No?"

"Sissy, come here. I won't spank you, I promise."

"Mommy, we both have big bellies. Our bellies match."