Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Current Funnies

Happy to report that Ethan is now talking enough to have is own "funny sayings" post

When we don't give him what he wants he crosses his arms and says, "I mad you!"

The other day he was repeatedly asking for something (a 'kak") and I couldn't understand what it was.  A sock?  A cracker?  No, not any of those.  All of the sudden he clarified, "mommy, a kak,  I eat it"  As in, duh mom, I want a snack.

Unfortunately he now likes to give us an earful of gibberish, followed by, "you hear me?"  Of course, using the same tone of voice I use when barking out orders.

Ethan's new favorite way to drive me crazy is to grab something he's not supposed to have and either throw it or run away with it.  I was trying to get something back from him, repeatedly and angrily saying, "Ethan, give it here.  NOW."  He looked at me very sweetly and said, "Say peeeze mommy!"

Ethan likes socks.  Girl's knee socks.  And since we are potty training he often is walking around with a bare bottom these days.  The other day I caught him wearing knee socks and nothing else but his birthday suit.  He was pretending to talk on the phone, pacing around, and saying, "Yeah....uh huh....I naked....uh huh...."

Ethan and his sock obsession

NiNi gets an allowance of $1 a week and is starting to understand the value of money (and therefore is always scheming a way to get more)  Remembering that I sometimes pull money out of daddy's pants pockets when I do the laundry, she said, "How can we get the washer and dryer to start making dollars again?"

I got Meagan some monogrammed notecards awhile back and I noticed she had not used any of them.  When I asked her about it, she said, "Sorry mom, but I don't know THAT many people whose name starts with the letter 'M'" 

We invited all of the girls in NiNi's class to a fall party (per the school's rule)  When I told NiNi that all of the girls would be invited, she said, "Even my enemies?" 

NiNi mispronounced perfume as "ker-fume"  Found this bottle laying around that she had labeled:)


Friday, September 14, 2012

Meagan was snapping random pictures with my phone, and happened to capture this moment.  I had to laugh when I saw it.  Darn attachment's working.  Of course I am joking.  While the therapy has revolutionized our parenting and given us new-found intimacy with our kids, it is exhausting.  This is pretty much the norm kid on my hip and another one clinging to some other part of my body!  And the oldest needing to talk about algebra or who doesn't want to be her friend anymore at school.  I feel like I have to constantly remind myself that this labor-intensive time will not go on forever.   Right now NiNi and Ethan are just now realizing that having a mom is a really great thing and there is no way they want to lose that (or even let me out of their sight at times.)  But they will become more well adjusted.  And then, as my friend with college students tells me, you become tired emotionally.  Always something to worry about.  Are they choosing the right career path, the right mate, the right priorities.  This being a mom never really does get easy.  So I might as well shore up my lower back muscles, pare down my social calendar, and enjoy the ride.  It will be worth it in the end!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

25 years

Happy to be able to celebrate mom and Fred's 25th anniversary.  Mom has been feeling so bad, the party almost didn't happen.  But all worked out in the end.  Also was quite a treat to have my step-brother and his family come.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

NiNi and Ethan's relationship has really blossomed over the past few months.  As NiNi becomes more secure and realizes that there is enough love and attention to go around, she doesn't mind so much the idea of having a little brother.  The other day they were sitting on the couch watching T.V.   NiNi didn't know I was watching, but I saw her reach over and spontaneously kiss his little forehead.  Ahhh...does a momma's heart good.