Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas misc.


Professor Beggs and his apprentice

All sacked out

Uncle Kieth expressing his more sensitive side

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I loved this picture of my kids with my sister's kids taken 3 years ago.  My mom wanted a retake of the same picture (even though my nephew is almost 16 and now has facial hair).  I had to promise him that I would not post it on his facebook page.

Dec 2008

Dec 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fancy clothes

                                                            Ladies man in training

                          Ethan, making some tough decisions about his investment portfolio

Christmas play at church...Meagan was a reader, NiNi an angel and Ethan stole the show with his sheep impersonation

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011


How can it be that I am nearly 40 years old, having been quite religious for half of those years, yet still have not gotten this unconditional love thing down.  Lately the parenting challenges have come at such rapid fire that I barely have time to come up for air.  Ethan's medical stuff and NiNi's visits to the "talk doctor" all cost money that we don't have.  Now this post is not about our insufficient bank account because, strangely enough, I have great faith that it will work out.  What concerns me more than money is my insufficient "love tank".  NiNi is on a little bit of a destructive bent these days...mostly just tearing up or breaking small things...but still sending a clear message that "I am angry and if I can't hurt you then I'll hurt your stuff." Someone gave me an early Christmas present.  A light-up Santa snow globe.  Probably cost about 10 bucks but a very sweet thought nonetheless.  For some reason NiNi was very interested in it from the moment she saw it.  She kept getting it out of the box and sneaking away to play with it even though I asked her not to.  The next thing I knew she had pulled the power cord out of the bottom so that it no longer worked.  Now, mind you, I had no serious affection for that snow globe, but when she broke it, I snapped.  Some kind of childish rage welled up in me and I started spewing verbage of an 8 year old:  "All you do is break my stuff!"  "I'm going to break something of yours!" and so on.  It was not pretty.  This morning I was reminded that becoming an acceptable parent is an almost always painful process of having the selfishness pummeled, twisted and squeezed out of you.  I remember some of those definitive moments of "de-selfish-ing."  Up all night, 5th night in a row, with the baby.  Anniversary get-away cancelled because of sick kids.  The pre-teen is more than a little embarrassed to be seen in public with you.  Moments when we want to utter those 3 little words, WHAT ABOUT ME?  And I don't even have teenagers yet!  Navigating the waters of attachment disorder is becoming another one of those defining moments for me and lately I feel like I have the battle scars to prove it.   Learning to love my children regardless of their desire or ability to to please me, obey me, give me affection, regulate their own emotions or make me me look good. I love the Message translation of 1 Cor 13

Love never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have
Love doesn't force itself on others
Isn't always "me first"
Doesn't fly off the handle
Doesn't keep score
Puts up with anything
Always looks for the best

Never looks back....But keeps going to the end

Saturday, November 26, 2011


                                                             Showing off muscles

Saturday, November 12, 2011

One dozen...

Tomorrow marks a dozen years of marriage.  12 years seems like a puny length of time.  Not near enough to encapsulate what feels like an entire lifetime together.  Technically we met almost 20 years ago but it took us awhile to get our acts adequately together for marriage.  And even then, we seemed severely lacking in the maturity department.  In fact, Meagan was born (surprise surprise) a little over a year after our wedding and it is amazing that she survived infancy.  Yet what strikes me the most are all of the decisions we've made since then.  Decisions to give instead of save, to move instead of settle, to love instead of staying bitter, to laugh instead of cry (or at least do both simultaneously).  And here we are, quickly approaching 40, barely any equity in a house that is already bursting at the seams, enough in the kids' college fund to cover text books and pizzas for about a semester, and a 401K that will allow us to retire to...ahem...Evansville.  But what we have is so much more a measure of success than any of those things.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm so thankful for a man who has led us to make the right choice, even when it was not necessarily the easy choice.  And the decision I made to marry my college sweetheart has ultimately led to this amazing life God has built.  I did good.  Here's to us and to many more dozens.