Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Playing catch up...

It's been awhile since I've posted any of the miscellaneous pictures that have been piling up or given a good update on the girls, so here goes.

Alina has finally and thankfully transitioned to her new daycare. It's been rough the past couple of months. At one point we couldn't even mention the name "Ms. Teri" (her teacher) without Alina bursting into tears. The report from her teachers now is that Alina LOVES school, and has a great time while she's there (M-W-F). Ms. Teri is wonderful, warm and kind. They have a short session of "school time" each day. Alina now knows her ABC's, can count 1-10 and writes the number 1. She does amazing crafts with the kids. One day Alina brought home this elaborate paper flower-pot. I said, "That is so pretty, who made that?" She said, "Ms. Teri did!" (Ms. Teri got busted)

We're still battling the chronic sinus infections. After two visits to the ENT and ruling out other causes, the doc came to the conclusion that the fistula is causing the infections (Um, I think I heard someone else mention that about 700 dollars ago) but that he would NOT do the surgery. Since the fistula is related to the cleft he is sending us back to the plastic surgeon at Riley. The problem is, our surgeon there happens to be world-famous and it takes months to get in even for a consultation. Meanwhile, NiNi is getting these infections about every 6-8 weeks now. Ugh. We're currently trying to change surgeons, at least for this procedure, since it is relatively simple.

Potty training is almost complete(Yeah!)and her language continues to develop by leaps and bounds. Recent quotes:

"Mommy, I play in the playroom....Don't say no to me" (Gee I wonder where she's heard that before?)

"That's so cute!" (When we're at a department store and she sees clothes or shoes)

"I need a mommy, I need a mommy!" (All of her babies and stuffed animals say this. If you've read the book "A Mother for Choco" [our favorite adoption book] this will sound familiar)

Meagan is doing great in school. We try to not let it go to our heads too much, but actually, Chris thinks she is a genius. Ok, we're just a little bias. She is reading at an end-of-fourth-grade level now. We are reading the Nancy Drew books together. (I have to admit that I struggle at times with some of the out-dated vocabulary...the books were written in the 30's after all!) She continues to amaze us with her 'deep thinking' ways. Most recently she came to the conclusion:
"Mom, 80 is really old...but when YOU'RE 80, try to forget about that."

We have her in swimming lessons now. She is the oldest in the class but she is overcoming her fears and gaining new skills and I think she really likes it. She is truly her mother's daughter in terms of being non-athletic.

She likes to do her own hair now. I guess the style is to have all of it pulled into a pony-tail except one strand which hangs down in front of the face. I have to really bite my tongue sometimes as I watch her go out the door in the mornings...as I'm sure my mother did with me! Hair styles are not the only things we are behind on. Chris recently got an iPod. We are always about 5 years behind in technological advances. Anyway, we were trying to figure out how to use it when Meagan asked what we were doing. Trying to put it into terms she could understand I said, "Daddy just got this new thing...it's like a little radio." Meagan said, "Mom, it's called an iPOD."

Last but not least, we tried to have yet another family picture taken. I thought the out-takes were pretty funny. Meagan was recovering from strep throat and Nini was minus a nap

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here are some pictures of our two pirates. Yes, I realize that one of the pirates bares a striking resemblance to Pocahontas, but that is just a coincidence. NiNi insisted that she was indeed a "piwat"

By the way, that's OUR candy she's slipping into her bag

We did have a pre-trick-or-treating emergency. Meagan could not find the eye patch that went with her costume. In classic "MacGuiver" style I was able to quickly fashion a new one using a piece of cardboard, a glue gun, and an eye glasses polishing cloth. I was very proud of the end product...unfortunately, Meagan decided that she did not want to wear the homemade eyepatch which is why she looks just a little bit ticked off in all of these pictures