Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas

Another Christmas come and gone...and I am thoroughly enjoying the week off to recover from the holiday hubbub. I have surprisingly few photos of our Christmas due to the fact that my camera was on the fritz...well, I should say I THOUGHT it was on the fritz. Really, I had accidentally got it onto some crazy setting. The man at the camera repair shop said if I have any further "trouble" with it, I should read the manual.

NiNi is on another round of antibiotics for a sinus infection. I think this time it was due to the surgery...having packing and (sorry) old dried blood up her nose for so long. In spite of the infection, everything is healing up quite nicely and the right side of her nose has a much rounder shape to it now.

Meagan got a sewing machine for Christmas and has already made a pair of pajama pants with it. I think she really has a knack with it. It was fun for me too as I sewed quite a bit in high school....even tried to design and make my own prom dress. It never actually turned into a final wearable product but I remember having a lot of fun with it. Meagan comes from a long line of seamstresses. My mom made many of my sister and I's clothes (of course many people did then out of necessity) and my grandmother was an excellent seamstress. We still have some very exquisitely crafted doll clothes that she made. She also made baby blankets for my "future children" as she passed away before we married. I used to keep them pristinely boxed up in the closet. Then I decided that she would probably want them to get a little more use. Now they have been lovingly "broken in" with pee and slobber...and I think she would like it that way.

NiNi's favorite present is a cheap plastic toy that Meagan gave her from the prize counter at Chuck-E-Cheese. She is really into Barbies so I tried getting her a few ethnically diverse dolls. Did you know that they don't make Asian looking Barbies? African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian. That's it. Chris says it's because all the Barbies are made in China and Chinese people like round eyes. I think that's sad.

Speaking of China, we are officially on the paperchase for another Reuter! We are using a new agency this time...CCAI. The agency we used with Alina has since closed its doors. We are trying for a boy this time. The lady we spoke to said we could get matched relatively quickly since most people want girls from China. When it comes to China, I try to take any timeline estimations with a grain of salt, knowing that they can change the rules at any moment. Anyway, the girls are becoming more excited about the idea of a little brother. Initially, when I asked Meagan how she felt about having another sibling she said, "Mom, isn't two (children) enough?" I asked NiNi if she wanted a little brother and she simply said, "No." The baby climate has since changed a little, especially since Meagan realized that she may get her own room out of the deal, and NiNi will have someone else to boss around.

She also said a couple of funny things this week. I kept hearing the sound of toys being dumped out in the other room so I yelled,
"NiNi, what are you doing?"
NiNi: "I can't tell you, it's a surprise"
Me: "Is it a sup rise that I will like?"
NiNi: "I don't know...do you like making a mess surprises?"

She got a package of Barbie clothes for Christmas and couldn't get it open. She came running into the room, gave me the box and said, "Here mom, you open this and I'll go find me a Barbie that is naked"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nip and Tuck

On Thursday, Alina had surgery on her nose. It was a secondary repair of her cleft lip. The cartilage on the cleft side of her nose was collapsed. They went in and tried to pull up and reshape it in an effort to make the nose appear more symmetrical and to open up her airway a little more on that side. I can't tell how successful it was since everything is still covered with packing and bandages. I had a fleeting thought of posting a picture, but quickly reconsidered. Last night she looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Mommy, I can't go to school like this." My daughter is beautiful inside and out, but her poor little nose is not a pretty sight at the moment. Neither is her disposition. She is ticked off that her nose hurts and she has to breath through her mouth all the time...and we are all suffering as a result. Cause if NiNi ain't happy, then nobody's happy. We pretty much have been giving her whatever she wants for the past 48 hours...chocolate pudding for breakfast, movies non-stop, etc. In fact, she has been firmly planted in front of Nick Jr. since 6:00 this morning. I'm sure we'll have to do some major behavior deprogramming once all of this is over.

In other news, I started a new job. I am still working at the nursing home, but am also now doing First Steps (in home therapy for kids 0-3). It is a new adventure since I am out of my element a little bit. Also, as with any government run program, the paperwork is a major headache...and I have to buy my own materials. I haven't acutally MADE any money yet with all the cash I've been shelling out for cool toys. All things considered, it's a pretty sweet gig to play with toys for an hour and get paid for it.

Here are a few funnies from the girls..

Alina: "Ms. Brenda says if we don't be good she's gonna nix the Christmas party...that means she's gonna hansel it" (she had no idea what "nix" or "hansel" means, only that it sounded very ominous)

Chris and I were in the bedroom with the door closed trying to have a romantic moment when we heard a knock on the door.
Meagan: "Mom, I really want to come in there. It's like you're having a party and I'm not invited."

Alina has become obsessed with obeying stoplights. Here was our conversation the other day:
NiNi: "Mommy, why did you go on the red?"
Me: "It was almost yellow."
NiNi: "That's crazy. You have to obey 'cause if you go on the red you will get stuck in the polar bear tunnel"
(Hmmmm...could 'polar bear tunnel' be a euphemism for jail?)

NiNi: "If I play in the play in the playroom, will I get a piece of candy?" (I sometimes bribe my children to either clean the playroom or play quietly in there...now it's coming back to bite me)

Meagan has a severe phobia of shots. In order to avoid serious drama, I usually delay the bad news until right before we head into the doctor's office. The other day I needed to take her to CVS to get a flu shot
Me: "Come on Meagan, we're going to CVS"
Meagan: "Why?"
Me: "We just need to run an errand"
Meagan: "What kind of errand?"
Me: "Just get in the car"
Meagan: "But what for?"
Finally, NiNi could tolerate the nonsense no longer and shouted, "YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOUR FLU SHOT"

NiNi is continually trying to come up with effective yet original ways to insult us when we fall out of favor with her. First it was, "You are mean" or "You are not my friend." Then it evolved to "You're not coming to my birthday party." (To which I would secretly wonder who would actually PLAN the party if I did not attend) Her latest dig is "You are not getting any Christmas presents"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nashville get-away

Chris and I took a 4 day trip (sans kiddos) to Nashville, TN to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Hard to believe that we have been married 10 years...and that we have been friends for almost 20! It was a superbly relaxing vacation...cabin in the Smokies, hot tub, fireplace, tacky tourist shops, and lots of deep-fried food. Met all of my love languages. I say all because according to Chris, I don't have just one love language...I actually have an entire matrix of love languages. Poor guy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The expression on Meagan's face is called "I hate my life because I have an annoying little sister"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Squishy eyeballs

Meagan blew her entire allowance on a bag of 20 squishy eyeballs. Because I was in a hurry, I decided to forego the "why don't you SAVE your money and buy something you really like" lecture. Besides, these eyeball are what she really likes and I have to admit they've been worth at least $3.99 in entertainment value

We took our annual trip to Brown County over the weekend....winter coats and all. It warmed up decently enough in the afternoon to torture the kids the taking family pictures in the park.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I took some shots of NiNi in her ballet "get-up" and then played around with them in photo shop. The picture above is with a filter called "cutout" and the one below is in film grain.

I don't know that I have documented on NiNi's clothing fetish lately. I know that most 3-year-old girls to like play dress-up, but she is WAY into clothes...and shoes, and accessories and jewelry. In fact she goes through about 5 different outfits a day which are then deposited over the house. Most days I can fine her in her favorite dress which is a blue and white polka-dot halter dress (she likes to see her back in the mirror) with her rain boots and 4-5 ponytail holders around her wrists and ankles. Never mind that it is getting a little chilly for halter dresses...and when I wash it, she says accusingly, "Hey! I was looking for dat dwess!" The other day she wore it to get our flu shots and it happened to be about 50 degrees outside. The nurse said, "Aren't you cold, honey?" all the while giving me the "why don't you have her dressed appropriately for the weather" evil eye. The way I see it, I have a lot of battles to fight, and I don't think clothing should be one of them. She's old enough to complain if she gets too cold. She certainly complains about other things.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Just now getting around to posting pictures from the little get together that the Fullers have each year. My uncle Herbie has some great property in the middle of nowhere near Ft. Wayne. I remember climbing trees and playing there when I was little. Now my girls get to play there too. They call it the "house with the black walnuts" since this must be the ONLY black walnut tree in Indiana and last year they rubbed them all over their skin which stained their hands for weeks. Also stopped by the cemetery to visit my dad's grave. It was a very good day for the soul, if you know what I mean.

Some recent quotes:

Meagan: "I asked daddy why God makes tornadoes. He doesn't know. He won't admit it, though"

Meagan: "If daddy were a girl, I think he would be pretty...except for his feet"

NiNi: "When I get taller and go to college, can I get a puppy?"

Meagan and I had planned an early morning breakfast date. Unfortunately as we were getting ready, NiNi woke up. Meagan whispered to her, "If you get back into bed, I'll give you a Tootsie Roll." I was a little disturbed that she had no Tootsie Roll, nor any intention of giving her a Tootsie Roll. Gee, I wonder where she learned the art of bribery?

Meagan: "I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. I can't decide....either an actress or a substitute teacher" (Hmmm...glamorous, high paying job where you travel the world, or get verbally abused by 8th graders for $67.50 a day . A tough choice indeed.)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We are testing the limits of our 3-year-old's clever resourcefulness. After the cayenne pepper solution didn't work, we went back to the drawing board. There seemed to be a glimmer of hope with using the gloves to keep her fingers out of her mouth, but the challenge was getting her to keep them on. I snipped off the tips to keep it from being too hot and tried loosely duck taping it to the sleeve of her pj's. She figured out a way to get the tape off...besides, I thought grandma might call CPS on me (I think, "You will NOT put duck tape on that baby" were her exact words). My next idea was to SEW the glove to the sleeve of an old shirt. It took about 3 1/2 minutes before she realized that all she had to do was pull her arm out of the sleeve (duh, mom). Having the glove sewn onto her sleeper proved to be more of a challenge for our little Houdini, but soon I found her naked in her bed, having shucked the whole darn contraption...glove, sleeper and all. Ok, now this is war. I am 36 and she is 3. I better figure out a way to win this one. So, I pinned a safety pin across the zipper track and eureka...

She can't get it off and she's very unhappy about it. Chris likes to call it her "straight jacket." (As in, "Time for bed, honey, go get your straight jacket on")I think that's a little harsh. I prefer to call it a "night-suit." Whatever you call it, I'm quite proud of myself. I just might market it to exasperated parents of finger and thumb suckers all over the world.

Oh, and credit goes to my nephew, Kyle, for coining the phrase "Hounini". I love it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The girls found this guy on the lamppost after school. I think he must've been injured (only one back leg) becuase I think they only come out at night. We thought he was pretty cool looking!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Well, the finger-sucking battle rages on. The other day I went to the drug store and picked up a bottle of this product which claims to stop thumb-sucking. It lists cayenne pepper as one of the ingredients. Luckily it was nap-time when we arrived home from CVS so I was thrilled to be able to immediately try it out. I slathered 5 coats of the stuff on her fingernails and fingers and put her to bed. A short time later, I began to hear muffled whines and cries coming from her room and smugly thought to myself, "It must be working like a charm." After a couple of hours I went in to get her up and much to my amazement, she had obviously been sucking her fingers the whole time. She sleepily opened her eyes, popped her pruney fingers out of her mouth and said, "Mmmmm...spicy!"

Today we went to Tuttles and picked some apples and green beans

I am actually quite familiar with this scene as I see these expressions on my children's faces on a daily basis. Just happy to have caught it on film

NiNi has been really cracking us up lately with her off-handed comments:

While hiccuping: "Hey, I'm a diet Coke!"

Braiding her hair one morning: "Why are you frenching my braids?"

Putting her down for a nap: "I don't WANT to take a A-S-P"

Feeding the fish: "Oh, he's eating allergies"

"Mommy, you a mean witch" (she heard that one on Dora)

"You a mean mom. You are not coming to my birthday party"

Me: "Do you have any new friends at school?"
NiNi: "Yeah, David."
Me: "Oh, and what does David like to play?"
NiNi: "David likes to play knocking down my stuff"
(I seem to remember that game from when I played with boys!)

Meagan has created a new game in which she imagines terribly uncomfortable scenarios and then asks us which we would prefer (the lesser of two evils). How about you, would you rather...

...Be eaten by a T-Rex or burned by hot lava?
...Be thrown into a pool full of baby sharks or into a lake full of snapping turtles? (apparently the baby sharks DO have teeth, which was naturally my first question)
...Be bitten by snakes or pinched by a crab?
...Be really really hot or really really cold?

Meagan: "Has there ever been a woman president?"
Me: "No, not yet"
Meagan: "Well, I hope it's not because they think that boys are smarter than girls"

I guess a few of my "women's liberation" genes slipped through to her:)