Tuesday, February 18, 2014


 A little over a year ago I started my list of 1000 things I'm grateful for.  Not there yet but I recently passed the 500 mark which is a pretty significant accomplishment for this gal.  I seriously think it's helped me to become a more joyful person.  Anyway, feeling very lucky today for so many special relationships.  Many people feel fortunate for that rare close friend. The one who rearranges not only their schedule for you but also sacrifices time, energy, money.  Not really sure how it happened (except that God led us to a church that really takes care of us!)  but I have several of these "got your back" relationships and I feel like it's a little bit of heaven on earth.  People who make a bee line to talk to NiNi or give her a hug because they understand how hard these interactions are for her.  People who have brought us meals, flowers and cards to share in both our grief and joy over the years.  People who have cleaned our toilet, moved our furniture in 90 degree heat, and driven across town to spend time with us.  Friends who know me, I mean really know me...the good, the bad and the ugly...and amazingly still love me.  Next week Chris and I are taking our first real vacation without kids.  There are 5 different people (moms included) willing to use up precious PTO or their day off to hang out with our kids and taxi them around to their various activities.  Sometimes I have to pinch myself.  And it's so neat to watch our kids experience this.  Watch them literally grow up with their best friends. An entire community of people loving them, investing in their spiritual development, and giving us invaulable feedback on our parenting.  The kids may never really understand how rare all of this is, but I certainly do.

Here is Meagan and Claire when they were about 6 years old, and a recent shot of the whole crew at a church conference last month.

This may have been one of the first times we brought NiNi to Bible class and that is Emma with her.  They have another little friend that is blonde and the 3 of them together is like Charlie's Angels!

Friday, February 14, 2014


This is how Ethan's room looks on a regular basis.  Notice that the bed is made.  That's only because he never sleeps in it.  His new thing is to dump every toy out of it's bin and then pile it all into the center of the room.  On this day I had told him we would need to pick it up.  He said, "How about you clean my room and I watch cartoons."

Ethan was helping to make sack lunches that we deliver to some folks downtown each month.  He wandered away and I found him taking a little break.  Sorta renders the "hygienic gloves" pretty useless.  Not to mention a helpful mental image if your new year's resolution was to eat less at fast food restaurants.

Other funnies...

Ethan was playing with this long stuffed snake when he got a bright idea and said, "Hey snake, you wanna be my rope and I'll be your cowboy?"

Meagan and NiNi were listening to some Bob Dylan song on my ipod and NiNi whispered, "Woah... when was THIS popular?  The 1800's?"

I was trying to tell Ethan something and he couldn't hear me so he said, "Talk louder!  What's wrong, you outta batteries?"

Ethan asked me the other day, "What are hot dogs?"  I said, "Gross meat"  He responded, "I like gross meat!"

We have been talking a lot about feelings lately because Ethan get so messed up by the slightest intensity in our voice.  We have a book that talks about how it's ok even to feel conflicting feelings all at the same time.  Meagan was telling us something and we were distracted and not responding.  She pretended to be hurt and said to Ethan, "They're not listening to me."  Ethan patted her face and said, "Meagan, they're not always gonna listen to you and that makes you feel mad and that's ok" 

Ethan found a prescription medicine bottle in the bathroom and brought it to me.  I tried to sound very serious and said, "What do we do if we find medicine?"  He said, "Ummm...eat it up?"

When Ethan really wants us to pay attention to what he's saying he taps his temple and says, "Listen to my think bubble!" 

After 2 days battle over Valentines candy (knowing it was there but not able to have as much as he wanted)  Ethan finally brought me his sack and said, "Here mom you can have this.  I can't handle it"  Spoken like a true addict.