Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas

Another Christmas come and gone...and I am thoroughly enjoying the week off to recover from the holiday hubbub. I have surprisingly few photos of our Christmas due to the fact that my camera was on the fritz...well, I should say I THOUGHT it was on the fritz. Really, I had accidentally got it onto some crazy setting. The man at the camera repair shop said if I have any further "trouble" with it, I should read the manual.

NiNi is on another round of antibiotics for a sinus infection. I think this time it was due to the surgery...having packing and (sorry) old dried blood up her nose for so long. In spite of the infection, everything is healing up quite nicely and the right side of her nose has a much rounder shape to it now.

Meagan got a sewing machine for Christmas and has already made a pair of pajama pants with it. I think she really has a knack with it. It was fun for me too as I sewed quite a bit in high school....even tried to design and make my own prom dress. It never actually turned into a final wearable product but I remember having a lot of fun with it. Meagan comes from a long line of seamstresses. My mom made many of my sister and I's clothes (of course many people did then out of necessity) and my grandmother was an excellent seamstress. We still have some very exquisitely crafted doll clothes that she made. She also made baby blankets for my "future children" as she passed away before we married. I used to keep them pristinely boxed up in the closet. Then I decided that she would probably want them to get a little more use. Now they have been lovingly "broken in" with pee and slobber...and I think she would like it that way.

NiNi's favorite present is a cheap plastic toy that Meagan gave her from the prize counter at Chuck-E-Cheese. She is really into Barbies so I tried getting her a few ethnically diverse dolls. Did you know that they don't make Asian looking Barbies? African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian. That's it. Chris says it's because all the Barbies are made in China and Chinese people like round eyes. I think that's sad.

Speaking of China, we are officially on the paperchase for another Reuter! We are using a new agency this time...CCAI. The agency we used with Alina has since closed its doors. We are trying for a boy this time. The lady we spoke to said we could get matched relatively quickly since most people want girls from China. When it comes to China, I try to take any timeline estimations with a grain of salt, knowing that they can change the rules at any moment. Anyway, the girls are becoming more excited about the idea of a little brother. Initially, when I asked Meagan how she felt about having another sibling she said, "Mom, isn't two (children) enough?" I asked NiNi if she wanted a little brother and she simply said, "No." The baby climate has since changed a little, especially since Meagan realized that she may get her own room out of the deal, and NiNi will have someone else to boss around.

She also said a couple of funny things this week. I kept hearing the sound of toys being dumped out in the other room so I yelled,
"NiNi, what are you doing?"
NiNi: "I can't tell you, it's a surprise"
Me: "Is it a sup rise that I will like?"
NiNi: "I don't know...do you like making a mess surprises?"

She got a package of Barbie clothes for Christmas and couldn't get it open. She came running into the room, gave me the box and said, "Here mom, you open this and I'll go find me a Barbie that is naked"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nip and Tuck

On Thursday, Alina had surgery on her nose. It was a secondary repair of her cleft lip. The cartilage on the cleft side of her nose was collapsed. They went in and tried to pull up and reshape it in an effort to make the nose appear more symmetrical and to open up her airway a little more on that side. I can't tell how successful it was since everything is still covered with packing and bandages. I had a fleeting thought of posting a picture, but quickly reconsidered. Last night she looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Mommy, I can't go to school like this." My daughter is beautiful inside and out, but her poor little nose is not a pretty sight at the moment. Neither is her disposition. She is ticked off that her nose hurts and she has to breath through her mouth all the time...and we are all suffering as a result. Cause if NiNi ain't happy, then nobody's happy. We pretty much have been giving her whatever she wants for the past 48 hours...chocolate pudding for breakfast, movies non-stop, etc. In fact, she has been firmly planted in front of Nick Jr. since 6:00 this morning. I'm sure we'll have to do some major behavior deprogramming once all of this is over.

In other news, I started a new job. I am still working at the nursing home, but am also now doing First Steps (in home therapy for kids 0-3). It is a new adventure since I am out of my element a little bit. Also, as with any government run program, the paperwork is a major headache...and I have to buy my own materials. I haven't acutally MADE any money yet with all the cash I've been shelling out for cool toys. All things considered, it's a pretty sweet gig to play with toys for an hour and get paid for it.

Here are a few funnies from the girls..

Alina: "Ms. Brenda says if we don't be good she's gonna nix the Christmas party...that means she's gonna hansel it" (she had no idea what "nix" or "hansel" means, only that it sounded very ominous)

Chris and I were in the bedroom with the door closed trying to have a romantic moment when we heard a knock on the door.
Meagan: "Mom, I really want to come in there. It's like you're having a party and I'm not invited."

Alina has become obsessed with obeying stoplights. Here was our conversation the other day:
NiNi: "Mommy, why did you go on the red?"
Me: "It was almost yellow."
NiNi: "That's crazy. You have to obey 'cause if you go on the red you will get stuck in the polar bear tunnel"
(Hmmmm...could 'polar bear tunnel' be a euphemism for jail?)

NiNi: "If I play in the play in the playroom, will I get a piece of candy?" (I sometimes bribe my children to either clean the playroom or play quietly in there...now it's coming back to bite me)

Meagan has a severe phobia of shots. In order to avoid serious drama, I usually delay the bad news until right before we head into the doctor's office. The other day I needed to take her to CVS to get a flu shot
Me: "Come on Meagan, we're going to CVS"
Meagan: "Why?"
Me: "We just need to run an errand"
Meagan: "What kind of errand?"
Me: "Just get in the car"
Meagan: "But what for?"
Finally, NiNi could tolerate the nonsense no longer and shouted, "YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOUR FLU SHOT"

NiNi is continually trying to come up with effective yet original ways to insult us when we fall out of favor with her. First it was, "You are mean" or "You are not my friend." Then it evolved to "You're not coming to my birthday party." (To which I would secretly wonder who would actually PLAN the party if I did not attend) Her latest dig is "You are not getting any Christmas presents"