Thursday, August 26, 2010

Family weekend

We had a great weekend with Chris' dad in town. The girls don't get to see their California grandpa very often so it's always a treat...and a mad dash to get in as much time with him as possible. We also took the opportunity to get some pictures of all the ladies.

The girls and I with Barb and Jenni (with baby girl Quinn in utero)

Chris was talking to Meagan about how water can be in three forms. Liquid, solid, and then he said, "What does water become when it gets really really hot?" NiNi burst out and said, "A gas!" We were floored and said, "How did you know that?" She replied very matter-of-factly, "I knowed it on my Leapster"

We were at the dollar store the other day and NiNi got side-tracked in the candy asile. When it became apparent that I wasn't going to buy her any, she said, "Mom, the next time you talk to the Easter bunny, tell him I want a blow-pop?"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

More paperwork...

So we just got the nitty-gritty details on where we go from here in terms of paperwork. Sometime in the past year or so, the U.S. has added an additional step to an already exhausting process. So these are the things we need before we get the green light to travel.

1. File the I-800 (seeks approval to adopt a specific child)
2. Receive provisional approval for I-800
3. Receive letter from NVC (National Visa Center)
4. Article 5 is issued by US Consulate in China and forwarded to CCAA
5. CCAA issues travel approval

Because these steps are relatively new, there are just no accurate timelines out there as to how long all of this will take. All our agency can say is "we would hope that you would travel in 11-15 weeks." Please pray for a speedier process than that!

Monday, August 16, 2010

LOA today!!!!!!!!!!

Just received our LOA....about 3 weeks ahead of schedule. I prayed that we would get it by my birthday, so I must assume this is none other than divine intervention:) This is the last document that must be signed before they will issue our travel approval. If things continue to go smoothly, there's a good chance we'll travel in November!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The girls have been fighting like cats and dogs lately and it seems I have exhausted my very limited store of patience and creative punishments. Here are a few chuckles in the midst of the chaos:

NiNi still feels the need to scream like a 2-year-old when she does not get her way. At the very end of my rope one day I said to her, "WHEN are you going to stop that SCREAMING!?" She replied, "In January."

Both of the girls had gotten into trouble and I doled out a punishment. Since daddy was gone, I said that I would also talk to him about it later to determine if an additional punishment was in order. During dinner that night, Meagan asked when I was going to talk to daddy. I told them I had changed my mind and was not going to bother him with the issue....we would just stick with the original punishment. NiNi said, "You turned out to be a good mommy"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ethan update

Here is the update we received dated 7/30/10:

"Dang Wang Wang is doing great and feeding well. He was sent to the hospital on the 1st of July for cleft palate surgery. He returned home on the 22nd with palate repaired. At 14 months, he pulls himself up to stand, walks well, understands simple commands and holds his milk bottle during feeding. He is a happy little boy."

Current measurements:
weight 7.4 kg (16.3 lbs)
height 66cm (26in)
head circumference 43cm (16.9in)
chest circumference 44cm (17.3in)
foot size 10.5 cm (4.1in)

This puts him, well, not even on the growth chart for Chinese boys. But we're not complaining! Developmentally he certainly looks good and he likely lost some weight with the surgery. We are extremely grateful for the update!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

NiNi: "Is daddy the king of the castle?"
Me: "Yes"
NiNi: "Then what are you?"

Of course I replied, "Honey, I'm the queen!" I guess that's what you call the person who scrapes dried toothpaste out of the sink and makes clean underwear magically appear in the dresser drawer.