Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Ethan was playing with his action figures in NiNi's doll house.  He had the mom sitting in the kitchen and Batman flying through the window.  In the mom's voice he was saying, "Batman in my house? What in the world?!"

Ethan was at Aunt Jenni's house and asking her a whole bunch of "why" questions...why are there puddles, why is it cold, why is it raining... to which she tried to answer to the best of her ability.  Finally he asked, "But Jenni, why IS it raining?"  and she said, "Ethan, I don't know"  He replied, "That's ok Aunt Jenni, I'll ask my mom"

Ethan was climbing the counter near the hot stove and I told him, "Ethan, if you got hot soup on you, you would get burned really bad"  He said, "And go to the hospital?...And get surgery?"  I said, "Maybe." He thought for a minute and said, "But would I still get soup?"

Ethan was showing my mom his batman action figure.  She pretended that batman was telling her something in her ear.  Ethan looked at her and said, "He can't talk"  She held him up to her ear again and said, "Yes, I think he's whispering something"  Ethan sounded all impatient and said, "Grandma, he can't talk!  He's blind!"


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

super hero

It's on...

Sweet isn't he?  I used to think so.  Ever since we moved here I have been at war with a gang of rabbits that have taken up residence under our shed.  These are not your run of the mill bunnies.  These are rabbits.  I believe the spawn of rabid opossums and some sort of super breed cottontail.  Which explains why they never sleep.  Even in the dead of winter the snow was covered with rabbit tracks.  And now that spring is upon us, they tirelessly roam my flower beds sniffing out any fresh green thing poking it's little head up.  When I walk outside, 3 or 4 of them dart off, my crocus stems in their hot frothy little muzzles.  Wait, do rabbit's have muzzles?  Maybe not but you get the picture.  Chris thinks I am obsessed.  Not sure why.  Maybe it's because I have spent the past 6 weeks researching how to make them leave and never come back.  Oh, before you say "just put up a fence"...I don't want an ugly wire fence around my flower beds.  Is that so unreasonable?  So I picked up this little beauty

It emits an ultrasonic signal that is supposed to repel them.  I have been adjusting the frequency and then throwing a little bunny salad on the ground beside it to see what they do.  It sort of works, but unfortunately is battery powered and the batteries only last about a week.  And it makes the neighbor's dog bark.  Luckily my neighbor has no idea why, but I feel a little guilty about it.  The sprays seem to work but then it rains.  Last year it was after such a rain that I walked out to find all of my coneflower chewed down to an 4 inch stem.  Well, regardless, I am the human.  I have the frontal lobe.  And I will win.  To be continued...