Monday, March 17, 2014


Just a couple new ones...

Our pipes froze during the last really cold spell a few weeks ago.  We all got ready that morning without water.  Meagan was brushing her teeth with a bottle of water and wearing her too-small-winter-coat (fit her fine before she grew six inches this year but now the sleeves only come down to mid wrist)  She said all dramatic like, "Mom!  Look at me!  Now I know what it feels like to be a poor child!"

Ethan has become very interested in babies and how they get into tummies.  The other day he said, "Mom remember when I grew in your tummy?"  I said, "No, because you grew in another ladies tummy" (we have had this discussion before).  He said, "Oh.  Aunt Laura's tummy?"

NiNi's pyramid business scheme

NiNi has a wad of about $56 saved up from her birthday and she loves it....counts it, smells it, caresses it.  Don't mention spending it.  She did break down and spend some of it at Build-a Bear but it was very painful for her.  Then I found this while doing my once a month cleaning of her room.  The girl's got plans!

"Things we need for the kids spying club...
Get with Kat and Logie for a meeting talk.  We need better stuff and new programs.  Get us on the newspaper.  Moms and dads will say, Wow!  Then get more money, go shopping for new stuff and toys.  Get so much toys we sell some in a groge (garage) sale.  More moms will see how much money we have and send their kid to us.  We will make them pay 50 cents for one hour.  Get so much spy stuff the kids moms will have a baby and send them to us to teach them.  Then we will have partys.  Give us $20 tips.  Will will get to keep the money get some snacks.  Get the kids to eat them.  We will say we are the best!  Give us more money.  Sell to us all the toys dameage (damaged) and make them a awesome toy."