Friday, May 30, 2014


Just now getting around to posting a few pictures from our vacation in Cancun we took at the end of February.  I didn't bother bringing the Nikon, knowing that I would be too busy snoozing, smooching, or sun bathing to do any real photography.  Besides the kids stayed at home and Chris and I are much less interesting to photograph.  It was by far the best vacation we've ever taken.  A little gift from God.  Long walks/talks on the beach, dancing to a live band playing our wedding song (a happy coincidence), turquoise ocean, hours and hours curled up with a good book, and amazing food.  Seriously amazing food.  And of course all of it with my best friend.

the view from under my umbrella

view from our balcony

complimentary room service

swim-up bar

Friday, May 23, 2014

The weather's been great, but we have unfortunately been going through our late spring "crud" and unable to enjoy it.  Can't seem to shake the sore throat/fever thing in spite of my ingenious home remedies.  I recently discovered antibacterial/antiviral manuka honey and have been feeding it to the kids and and slathering it on any body part that will stay still long enough.  Case in point, NiNi's foot. This is the second time NiNi has managed to pick up a staph infection on her foot.  Honey plus a bandaid and viola!  No more staph infection.  Cool, huh?  Well here is one of my less stellar "doctor mom" moments.   I had been treating Ethan's "allergy cough" with Zyrtec for 3 weeks.  I did at least call the doctor and tell her what was going on.  By week 4 he was having such severe coughing fits that we drug our sorry selves into the office.  Doc says, "You can stop giving him allergy medicine because he has pneumonia."  Now don't judge.  He was happy and playing and fever-free.  How was I supposed to know he had a legitimate illness.  So we are on our second round of antibiotics and NiNi and I are still nursing sore throats.  BUT school's out in 2 weeks, flowers are blooming, life is good!  Here is some of what we've been up to...
Ethan selfies

Super heros (that's Thor riding on the back of his bike)

duct tape headbands

green juice


at least he's well rounded!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Big boy room


It will be 2 years this summer that we've been in this house and I am ever so slowly getting to paint and decor for all the bedrooms.  Was looking for a color for Ethan's room that would not require me repainting it EVER.  I burned through about 30 bucks in samples trying to find the perfect tan that was not too brown and not too green.  Happy with the result.  Now if we can just get him to actually sleep in here...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ethan's 5th Birthday

Super hero party fit the bill this year.  Yes I went a little overboard on the crafty stuff.  Yes I really hand made the capes and cut the super hero logos out of felt.  Was pleased with the result except for Thor's hammer which is pretty lame and sort of resembles a baby rattle.  No one wanted to be Thor.  Otherwise a big hit. 
bat girl flying high

my favorite shot of the day:  falling.....

refrigerator box phone booth which provided endless hours of entertainment long after the party ended

the dads getting in on the fun

Ethan not happy about the dads getting in on the fun