Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Theological discussions with a 6-year-old

Meagan is a deep thinker. People say she's shy, and she is, but she's also very much taking everything in....chewing on it and forming her own opinion about it. She is also already a master debater. For example, the other day she was crying and emotional about nearly everything. I was trying to have a serious conversation with her about controlling her emotions and she just wasn't getting it. I said, "Meagan, do you agree that you cry ALOT?" She replied, "Yes mom, but do you agree that you yell ALOT?" Touche' indeed. Ok, so now you know what I'm up against. We try to talk about God, read the Bible, etc. fairly frequently. Meagan is going through a phase where she is skeptical about everything, including God. It seems like once Santa Clause was out of the picture, there went the Easter Bunny and God. Funny thing is she still believes in the Tooth Fairy. Go figure. Maybe if God left money under her pillow she would believe in him too. So, while most other six-year-olds are happily saying their prayers and drawing pictures of the "pearly gates", mine is disputing how God could have created the universe out of thin air. Last Sunday at church, the minister was very excitedly describing heaven... no more sadness, perfect love for one another, etc. I whispered to Meagan, "Hey, he's talking about what heaven will be like...isn't that cool?" She responded with, "How does HE know?" We had another funny little discussion last night. We just happened to be reading about Moses and the plagues on Egypt, in particular when Moses turned the water in the Nile into blood. Meagan said very solemnly, "Mom, that was Jesus' blood in the river." I guess since Christianity places so much emphasis on Jesus' blood, she figured all references to "blood" must have something to do with this. I said, "I don't think it was Jesus' blood." She then gasped in horror, "Then WHOSE blood WAS it?"
Disclaimer: If you tell Meagan that I revealed any of the above information, or even that you viewed attached silly picture, just know that it is ALL OVER for me. Indefinite period of silent treatment, in the "dog house", guilt trip, whatever you want to call it. It will not be a happy time for mom. If you love me at all, think before you speak.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

First Big Owie

I had yet another of what I like to call "bad mommy moments". Nini was playing with some picture frames I had on the floor (don't ask why they were on the floor...I think I had been debating for a few weeks where I should store them) Anyway, Nini decided to put her hand through one of the frames, breaking the glass. No stitches, but it bled a WHOLE lot. And the nice folks at the Immediate Care center only charged $141.00 for a dose of Tylenol and this fancy bandage. What a bargain. Nini is pretty ticked off about the whole thing because these just happen to be her "sucking" fingers. I hate it when my sucking fingers have owies on them.

Here are more b-day party pictures