Saturday, November 26, 2011


                                                             Showing off muscles

Saturday, November 12, 2011

One dozen...

Tomorrow marks a dozen years of marriage.  12 years seems like a puny length of time.  Not near enough to encapsulate what feels like an entire lifetime together.  Technically we met almost 20 years ago but it took us awhile to get our acts adequately together for marriage.  And even then, we seemed severely lacking in the maturity department.  In fact, Meagan was born (surprise surprise) a little over a year after our wedding and it is amazing that she survived infancy.  Yet what strikes me the most are all of the decisions we've made since then.  Decisions to give instead of save, to move instead of settle, to love instead of staying bitter, to laugh instead of cry (or at least do both simultaneously).  And here we are, quickly approaching 40, barely any equity in a house that is already bursting at the seams, enough in the kids' college fund to cover text books and pizzas for about a semester, and a 401K that will allow us to retire to...ahem...Evansville.  But what we have is so much more a measure of success than any of those things.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm so thankful for a man who has led us to make the right choice, even when it was not necessarily the easy choice.  And the decision I made to marry my college sweetheart has ultimately led to this amazing life God has built.  I did good.  Here's to us and to many more dozens.