Still waiting on our travel approval. I checked in with our agency (which I by the way rarely do) to see if they had any idea of when it might come. I received an abrupt reply stating that the CCAA can sometimes take up to 4 weeks to issue a TA and ours has NOT EVEN been there 2 weeks. They must've forgotten that I am paying them several thousand dollars to coddle me, call me sweetie, and tell me everything's gonna be ok.
No shortage of other news around here. The state announced it's decision to phase out the utilization of independent providers in the First Steps program. In other words, my job, at least in its current form, is over. My options are to do contract work with an agency or look for work in another setting. Either way I take a pretty hefty pay cut. Since the change takes effect December 1st, I am frantically looking for a new job before we leave for China. I have a couple of interviews this week. One with a home health company. It would be pretty easy for me to slip back into geriatrics, which I actually would not mind, since I get to work with clients in their home and completely bypass the nursing home politics. I hope to know something in the next week or two.
We have been officially hit with the "October crud." Meagan and I are on a round of antibiotics currently...and I am waiting for NiNi and Chris to get hit any day now. We did manage to squeeze in our annual trip to Brown County (which has morphed into our "annual trip to Brown County AND the outlet mall") Got some really nice pictures of our family, which I will get around to editing and posting in the near future. Somehow this month has gotten away from me. We are gonna cram the pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving, costume making, and trick or treating all into a 48 hour period this weekend. A fall festivities montage weekend!
1 comment:
Praying for THE Papers to arrive!!!! I can't imagine the woundering when it could come!
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